You are seeing: Building engineering
Bed4 U Hotel in Pamplona
“Reyno de Navarra Arena” Multipurpose Pavilion
Building for the Government of Navarra’s Dept. of the Environment
University Clinic of Navarre
Spanish Pavilion for the Expo 2008
Head offices of Gamesa Eólica
Headquarters of Acciona Solar in Sarriguren
Water Leisure Centre in Cascante
Miguel Induráin Sports Centre
Señorío de Bértiz Natural Park
Royal and General Archive of Navarre
Polo Park
Building engineering
We have a proven track record in offering consultancy service and dealing with technical matters that arise in building work, by providing solutions to complex projects in any area: singular buildings, hospitals, sports centres, residential buildings, schools and hotel complexes.
We have worked together with and provided consultancy services to major architectural teams.